
Volaré -- "I will fly"

Who Are We?


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Tucker featured in article in OUTSIDE Magazine

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about Tucker

My name is Tucker. I first came to Costa Rica in 1989 with a balloon for American Airlines built by Cameron Balloons,. In 1989 I owned Cameron (then and now, the largest balloon manufacturer in the United States). With friends Seth O'Neal and Roberto Kopper we started Serendipity Adventures in 1991.

Tucker face


I built Volare when I ran Serendipity Adventures Costa Rica, which explains the warehouse and building at the entry of Volare. After 20 years with Serendipity I sold the company, intent on moving to Australia to be with my daughter and her family.

But then....I fell in love. Now I spend most of the time with my Tico husband on his farm in northern Costa Rica (or visiting my family in Australia). Which leaves Yamilet in charge at Volare.


Yamilet face


Yamilet (or "Yami") has been the whirlwind taking care of me since about 1995. I basically stole her from Serendipity. She cleans, cooks, and was my best Spanish teacher (until I fell in love). Patient and relentlessly cheery, Yami is also the ONLY person who orders me around. I trust her to always look out for what's best for me, and that means keeping Volare guests as happy as she has always made me.

Yami is the "go to" person who solves all problems, from finding lost clothes to doing your laundry to taking over kids if parents want to do a big river. She cooks great meals, both traditional Costa Rican and some of my favorites. For Volare guests with curiosity of Costa Rica lifestyle she takes them to her sister's farm where they milk a cow -- then bring home the milk to make cheese. And eat it for breakfast the next day.

Yami speaks only Spanish, but I'm only a WhatsApp message away to help interpret. It's been working flawlessly for 10 years now for our guests.

If Yami has gone beyond simply morning sweeping and making your beds, please remember to leave her a tip.